Internships and Youth employment Programs

Young adults that study in the areas of social work, psychology of Criminal Justice, and clinical and mental health psychology, have an opportunity to spend a full semester submerged in the organization. They learn all aspects of the organization and what it truly takes to operate in a nonprofit dedicated to serving children and their families.
These young adults are 2 semesters worth of experience which entails:
For the first semester, students will be located at the offices of the non-profit agency. Students will learn about non-profit management and will help with a variety of tasks, such as calls to different provider agencies, non-profit program development, helping with community events (such as community feeding events, health fairs, youth summits, and the Runaway to Runway event), involvement with the Tampa Hillsborough Homeless Commission, and donation lists. For the second semester, female students will volunteer in the 40-bed group home for youth aged 12 to 17 in the foster care system. Youth are usually in the homes by 3:00 each weekday. Activities may include conducting psycho-educational groups, tutoring, mentoring, resume building, and dealing with direct care workers.
Miracles Outreach is committed to providing the best help for each of the girls as well as the youths determined to help. Miracles continues to be actively involved throughout the community, by spreading awareness, providing quality trainings, providing community support, and several therapy options for each of the girls in our care as an immersive environment for our youth programs.
Help us change lives.
Every dollar you give goes to help children who are currently in our Children Homes or expanding Miracles Outreach to help rescue even more children.